Wednesday, December 25, 2013

2013 December: Tacloban Mission Preparation

Christmas in Tacloban!
At the City Hall ... while darkness still reigns over the city
You know you've been too long in Tacloban when you feel your heart jumping with pure joy on seeing the light turn on and you read a simple advertisement of the photocopying shop!  You never know you love electricity until you lose it for more than a month... 
Yolanda Effect:  You cheer so very gladly when you see a restaurant light up and begin serving food!  Oh, for a bite of clean, hot food...  (Note:  When this picture was taken, this was the only restaurant that felt safe enough from the smelly streets of Tacloban). 
Fr. Hattrup greets the children after Holy Mass in Tacloban.
Silent night, holy night....
Good tidings of comfort and joy!
Gathered before the humble tent, survivors wait for Holy Mass to start.

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