A million thanks to everyone
who supported the RMHM 2013 in Iloilo!
We would like to thank all you wonderful people
who made the 2013 Rosa Mystica Health Mission a success:
- All the volunteers who came from France, USA, Belgium, Poland, Malaysia, and various parts of the Philippines to help, paying their fare to and from the mission.
- All the donors who gave medicines, medical supplies, food, rosaries, holy pictures, scapulars, prayer guides, and cash to pay for the medicines and different supplies needed for the mission.
- The generous people who opened their homes to give free lodging to some volunteers.
- The government officials and rural health unit staff of the municipality of Sta. Barbara who gave active support towards the organization and the delivery of the mission.
- All who prayed for the intention of the mission.
- All the SSPX priests, brothers, and oblates, and those in their care, who provided solid moral support to the mission.
- All anonymous helpers, human and spiritual, who worked behind the scenes silently and invisibly.
Dr Jean Pierre Dickes of France |
Mdm Bernadette Dickes of France |
Dr Gilbert Dichard of France |
Mdm Danielle Dichard of France |
Mr Hubert Terninck of France |
Dr Anne Jochaud du Plessix of France |
Dr Emely Lagare of General Santos City |
Dr Ma June Viray of Iloilo |
Dra Elizabeth Phalen of USA |
Dra Elaine Araneta of Manila |
Delphine Grouhel of France |
Dr Lee Versoza of Manila |
Magali Burguburu of France |
Brigitte Coulange of France |
Adeline Puts of France |
Marie Liesse Tilloy of France |
Christina Meinholz of USA |
Melinda Khor of Malaysia |
Rev Fr Francois Castel of France |
Melanie LeBlanc of USA |
Marie Helene Fontaine of France |
Brigitte Pecot of France |
Fr Coenradd Daniels and Brothers of St Bernard Novitiate |
Caroline Vergez of France |
Sophie Challan Belval of France |
Eleni Felinska of Poland/Germany |
Soline Riquet of France |
Dr Zoe Sucaldito of Iloilo, Phil
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