I was sick and you visited me...

Rico, 5 years old, from Alabel, Sarangani Province, waiting for his surgery. First seen on August 15, 2008 by Dr. Elzbieta Kowalska. Diagnosis: Bronchitis, bilateral otitis media, cleft lip and palate, hernia scrotalis bilateral, malnutrition. The surgeon is simply waiting for Rico to be clear of any upper respiratory tract infection for a whole month and to gain more weight so that his surgery can be scheduled.
Jane, 7 months old, from Alabel, Sarangani Province, doing well after VP Shunting, waiting for her next corrective surgery.
She was born with bulging mass at upper bridge of nose, bulging periorbital area at the left temporal area. Her parents were told that if she would not be operated, at 4 months old her brain would already be so compressed that she would die.
First seen by the mission on August 14, 2008 by Dr. Ma. June Viray, referred to Dr. Narciso Mirabueno, referred to Davao, seen by Dr. Alfredo Abundo. Diagnosis: Hydrocephalus ex vacuo, porencephalic cyst left tempo-parietal. Surgery done: Tempo-parietal craniectomy, marsupialization of cyst, placement of ventricular peritoneal shunt, peritoneal opening and repair. Thanks be to God and to the concerted effort of concerned doctors and generous individuals from South Korea and France, she was assisted in time before neurological deficits could occur.
A happy smile from Jane. Thanks to her sponsors.
Looking up with hope. Thanks to generous people, she can now lift her head and crawl about.
The cysts will be removed when the bones in her head close (at age 2) and the maxillo-facial defects will be repaired at age 12.

Ian, from General Santos City, with imperforate anus / Hirchsprung's Disease. Waiting for his 3rd surgery (resection of bowels).

Romulo, 47 years old, from Palembang, Sultan Kudarat. When referred to the mission, he was bleeding internally and his hemoglobin count was only 3 g/dl (normal count: 14-17 for males).
Severo, 73 yrs old, from Zamboanga.
He came knocking at the office gates begging for food, saying he was just waiting for his death to come, that he just forced himself to get up and beg for food while he was still breathing, that he was living alone after his wife died while they were visiting Gensan. He was breathing with difficulty, was pale, weak, coughing out bloody sputum.
We brought him to the doctor who examined him, had his xrays and sputum tests taken and gave him prescriptions.
Volunteer nursing students took turns assisting his home care, ensuring that he could take his medicines regularly, bringing him food to help him recover, cleaning up his home and helping him with his hygiene.
Volunteer catechists assisted him in his catechism, encouraged him to make his First Communion, taught him the basic prayers and the Ten Commandments. When he got well, he would regularly visit the office to just say "Thank You" to the people who cared for him. He is now back in Zamboanga with his relatives.
J.R. was weak and pale when he was brought by his mother to the office. He was coughing out blood. He was brought to the doctor who took his xrays and sputum, and referred him to another doctor who had him undergo skin tests... He was given medicines and given adequate nutrition (food supply and vitamin-mineral supplements). This photo was taken when he returned to the office to say thank you. It was good to see him smiling, strong, and no longer coughing... and thanks be to God, was having a healthier color (no more bleeding).
I was hungry and you gave me to eat...
Thankful for the little bag of food, she promised to pray for the generous people who make the mission possible.
Enthusiastically, this barefoot boy hitched on a jeepney from Malapatan to Gensan where he decided to earn money as a car-wash boy to buy food. He was thankful for the food that were shared with him by people he met. He was happy to hear of the Heavenly Father to Whom he could pray for daily bread.
May our Lenten fasts and abstinence enable us to give joy to those in need.
Venue: Capitol Gym, Alabel, Sarangani Province
No. of days of service: 6 days including 1 day extension clinic
Dates of mission: August 11-15, 2008 and August 15, 2008
No. of patients served: 3,000
No. of patients taken to the hospitals / clinics for diagnostic work-ups: 182
No. of patients confined to hospitals for treatment: 6
No. of physicians who volunteered: 13
No. of physicians who received referrals for free in their clinics: 8
No. of dentists who served: 16
No. of nurse volunteers: 60 (+)
No. of dental aides / medics: 4
Total cost (payments made): P1,068,143.80
Society of Saint Pius X, ACIMPS-France, Lamoiyan Corporation (Hapee Toothpaste), General Tuna Corporation, Philippine Spring Water Resources Inc., Chill 'n Cool, Fresco Water Station, Armed Forces of the Philippines, Junior Chamber International (Davao and GSC Chapters), Philippine Dental Association, Philippine Nursing Students Association, Beta Nu Delta Nursing Society, Penamante Clinic, Socsargen County Hospital, 3M Rodge Pharmamed Sales, D'Farm Venue Rentals, Imi Rachel Martin, Legion of Mary, Apostles of Mary Catholic Youth League of the Philippines, and many more, whose names are boldly written in God's heart.
Dec. 2, 2007 200 Upper Labay, GSC Notre Dame of Dad. University Nursing Students
Dec. 9, 2007 200 Upper Labay, GSC Notre Dame of Dad. University Nursing Students
Dec. 2007 200 Libi, Molo, Malapatan, Sarangani Notre Dame of Dad. University Nursing Students
Feb. 23, 2008 196 Baluan, GSC Mindanao Polytechnic College HRM Students
Feb. 26, 2008 150 Glamang, GSC Phil. Institute of Technology, Nurse-Aide Students
March 23, 2008 495 San Jose, GSC Holy Cross Parish / Hearts and Brains, Inc.
April 1, 2008 321 Alegria, Alabel, Sarangani Prov. Vice Gov. Office / Jun. Chamber Int'l GSC
Aug 30, 2008 150 Bula, GSC Sta. Maria College, Nurse-Aide Students
Oct. 18, 2008 110 RD Plaza, GSC Dr. Bernardita Hofer
Oct. 28, 2008 80 Nomo, Maasim, Sarangani Divine Mercy Foundation / DXCP
Nov. 11, 2008 416 Datu Dani, Kiamba, Sarangani Provincial Vice Governor's Office
Dec. 1, 2008 40 Olimpog, GSC Notre Dame of Dad. University Nursing Students
Dec. 9, 2008 47 Banahaw, Malungon, Sarangani Notre Dame of Dad. University Nursing Students
Dec. 10, 2008 350 Upper Labay, GSC Notre Dame of Dad. University Nursing Students